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La Palma Volcano webcams and live data

shield volcano 2426 m
Canary Islands, 28.58°N / -17.84°W
Letzte Erdbeben

Available webcams

Webcam at Tide gauge Tazacorte port (TAD server, EU Commission) (source)
Seismic recording TBT station, full day, La Palma (IGN) (source)
Seismic recording TBT station frequency spectrum, full day, La Palma (IGN) (source)
Seismic recording TBT station - hourly, La Palma (IGN) (source)
Seismic recording TBT station - frequency spectrum, hourly, La Palma (IGN) (source)
Earthquakes under La Palma during the past 3 days (IGN) (source)
Earthquakes under La Palma during the past 15 days (IGN) (source)
Volcanic tremor amplitude (IGN) (source)
Volcanic tremor amplitude past 7 days (IGN) (source)
Horizontal and vertical deformation GPS station LP3 (IGN) (source)
Horizontal and vertical deformation GPS station LP4 (IGN) (source)
lapalma satellite image sat1lapalma satellite image sat2

See also: Sentinel hub | Landsat 8 | NASA FIRMS
Volcanoes & Earthquakes - new app for Android
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= Plätze frei   = garantiert   = Wenig freie Plätze   = Ausgebucht
Di, 8. Feb 2022, 00:57

La Palma volcano update: digital surface model of new cone

New DSM of the cone at La Palma volcano (image: INVOLCAN/INGV)
The volcanology institute INVOLCAN in collaboration with INGV Catania published a preliminary digital surface model (DSM) of the new cone as shown in the picture. Read all
Sa, 25. Dez 2021, 21:30

La Palma volcano update: eruptive episode ended after almost three months

Degassing activity at La Palma volcano on 19 Dec (image: INVOLCAN/twitter)
The Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) volcano observatory confirmed that the activity at the volcano ended on 13 December at 22:21 local time. ... Read all
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